An independent pub in the heart of Bridport.

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Story Telling at The Woodman

The heart of a community is its stories, The Woodman celebrates this with special nights and fireplace chats…

The Woodman embraces and encourages the ancient traditions of West Country/Folk story-telling, and the ancient global intrinsically and innately human need to connect through stories with a love of irreverent and radical reinterpretations, sociopolitical folk plays and positive punk poetry. Nothing is sacred, whilst, at the same time, everything is…

The Woodman’s Monthly Story-Telling night features regular, guest and professional story-tellers from around the globe. Often on a theme, The “Flying Monkeys” can throw up many strange and wonderful surprises – sometimes all in the same story! From classic tales retold to hidden secrets revealed and bawdy tales from behind the bar the emotions and ideas flow freely on Flying Monkeys night. Some tales are even true!

Flying Monkeys’ welcomes new story-tellers!

Resident Story-Teller In Chief, the world-renowned professional story-teller Martin Maudsley will often bring as story or two to “Flying Monkeys” but he can also be found leading The Woodman’s own collection of Folk Takes, both in a live setting and on The Woodman’s Field Recording Podcast. Martin is dedicated to keeping the tradition, and the tales, alive. Whilst West Dorset and the ancient tradition of Cider and Apple Growers fascinate Martin, he has traveled the globe telling stories and always collects more to bring into the fold and to pass on, remarking on the similarities of theme and moral between diverse cultures.

Our stories unite us

Martin also leads the modern mummery of the Bridport Mummers, a group that, by bringing the themes and subject matter of their mummery plays right up to date, are actually staying more truthful to the origins of the mummery plays. These are folk tales for folk people. A way to rebel and reject oppression and subjugation. And have a good hearty drink at the same time!

Here Martin is joined in Musics and Visuals by the Bridport Legend, the magnificent and marvelous, Mr Thomas Hughes: A tale of Saxon “Glory”? Or another, different, story?

Other Flying Monkeys have broken out and brought solo sets to The Woodman recently, including John ‘ The Woodlouse’ Butler whose combination of Whimsey, Dark Humor and Empathy has led to the development of Zombies! The Musical and Dylan Ross, a ‘positive punk poet’ who believes that Love Is The Answer, but frankly, he has now forgotten what the question was.

As well as these organized nights, featuring song as well as story, The Woodman is the perfect place to settle by one of the two roaring stoves, or cosy up at the bar and spin yarns of your own…
